Andy Chuang 庄渊棋
VP of Global Business Development of GaN Systems
GaN Systems,全球业务发展副总裁

讲师简介 / Speaker Bio

庄渊棋,国立清华大学(台湾)电机工程硕士。在半导体及电力电子领域的成就有目共睹,任汉磊科技总经理期间,领导团队大幅提升 SiC 及 GaN-on-Si 良率,竖立汉磊在第三代半导体领域竞争优势;任华润微电子集团旗下华润上华副总裁期间,领导市场业务团队,为 A/B 类及 D 类功率放大器、充电器、电源管理芯片、LED 显示器及照明等产品创造成长动能。
挟雄厚的产业经验与技术知识,庄渊棋于 2022 年加入 GaN Systems 担任全球业务发展副总裁,帮助公司开拓氮化镓功率半导体在新能源车、数据中心、工业及航天等高可靠性 (HiRel) 市场应用机会,加速利基应用落地,在由数据和能源驱动的次世代,重新定义电力电子系统能源转换效率,携手全球客户引领产业变革。

摘要 / Abstract

Driven by evolving consumer preferences and regulatory pressure, it’s a consensus that the adoption of electric vehicles will continue its sharp growth trajectory in the coming years. Leading automakers and suppliers have announced rigorous investments and visionary plans to meet the booming demand. Driven by the need for longer ranges and more efficient charging capacity, EV power electronics undergo a paradigm shift toward wide bandgap semiconductors. With mature manufacturing capacity and proven reliability, GaN is changing the game for 400V and 800V EV applications by delivering unprecedented benefits in power density and even BoM cost with superior switching frequency and loss performance.
In addition, electric micro-mobility is gaining traction worldwide as it provides a greener, less expensive, and more flexible last-mile transportation option in urban areas. For applications where small size is critical, GaN has turned a new page for power electronics in two-wheeler, three-wheeler, and microcar applications.
Andy Chuang, VP of Global Business Development of GaN Systems will address how GaN is widening its applications and making disruptive innovations in the future of mobility.