SEMICON China 高峰论坛

日期:2022年11月1日 星期二  
地点:上海国际会议中心, 三楼,国际厅  
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SEMICON China 高峰论坛汇集全球顶级行业领袖,是SEMICON China 这一全球最大规模半导体年度盛会中不容错过的内容,是了解全球产业格局、前沿技术与市场走势,分享全球业界领袖智慧和视野,并与他们面对面交流的难得机会。


Agenda 会议日程:

8:30 - 9:00 Registration 来宾登记
9:00 - 9:35
Opening Ceremony and Remarks 开幕典礼及致辞
Lung Chu 居龙
President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI
SEMI 全球副总裁、中国区总裁
Ajit Manocha
President & CEO, SEMI
SEMI 总裁兼首席执行官

Government Official Speech 政府领导致辞
Ning Wang 王宁
President, CECC
9:35 - 9:40 Video Greeting 视频连线致辞

Keynote Session 主题演讲
Moderator 主持人
Tim Wang 汪挺
Corporate Vice President and China President, Lam Research

Keynote Speakers 主题演讲嘉宾
9:40 - 10:05
Jointly Strengthen Industrial Chain Cooperation to Cope with Changing Development Situation
加强产业链合作 应对产业发展新形势
Yonggang Gao 高永岗
Chairman & Executive Director, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
10:05 - 10:35
New Approach of Chip Manufacturing in China
Hanming Wu 吴汉明
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering;
Dean, the School of Micro-nano-Electronics, Zhejiang University
10:35 - 11:00
A New Journey for a New Era 5G Chipsets Create Value for All Industries
新时代新征程 5G芯片赋能千行百业
Shengwu Wu 吴胜武

Chairman, UNISOC (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.
11:00 - 11:25
My Views on the Development of Integrated Circuits Technology in China
Xiaoming Xie 谢晓明
Director/Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
11:25 - 11:50
Forge Ahead and Develop in a Coordinated Way
砥砺前行 协同发展

Zhiyi Xiao 肖智轶
Vice President, Tianshui Huatian Technology Co., Ltd.
11:50 - 12:00 Thank you 致谢结束
* Agenda is subject to change 议程变化恕不另行通知