


周教授发表过超过800篇各种著作和论文,其中包括12本著作、460多篇期刊论文(其中IEEE期刊论文超过360篇)、28个章节著作。他拥有11项发明专利。他是所在领域被引用率最高的学者之一,并在2012年被Web of Science/Thomson Reuter评为在工程领域高被引作者首位。他的google被引用次数超过28000次,H-index为82。

他是IEEE出版社丛书《系统科学与工程》的创始编辑,担任过十几家国际期刊(包括IEEE智能交通系统期刊)的客座编辑、副主编、总编辑、编辑和主编。获得过洪堡特研究奖、富兰克林•V•泰勒纪念奖和诺伯特维纳奖。他是美国科学技术协会的终身会员, IEEE、国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)和美国科学促进协会(AAAS)的Fellow。周教授是基金委(海外)杰青,教育部长江讲座教授,国家“千人计划”专家, 中科院与北京科委海外评审专家。



Built on advanced resource-oriented petri nets (ROPN), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, IKAS Semiconductor Smart Manufacturing Solutions Suite (aka, IKAS Suite) is dedicated to address the ever more challenging manufacturing environment with more diverse demands, limited capacities, shorter order lead-time, and more complex process technologies.

The highly efficient and responsive IKAS production models perform real-time monitoring and optimization of the various aspects of semiconductor manufacturing processes, from high level strategic resource and capacity planning down to real time equipment and station level smart dispatch and control, helping manufacturers shorten production and R&D cycle time, increase capacity, reduce cost, and improve yield. By using IKAS smart dispatch system, the capacity of the bottleneck station from an actual semiconductor production line can be improved by ~8%, while the cycle time of the station can be reduced by 9%, significantly improving the manufacturing efficiency.