Dr. Guangyu Sun
assistant professor of Center for Energy-efficient Computing and Applications (CECA) at Peking University

Dr. Guangyu Sun is an assistant professor of Center for Energy-efficient Computing and Applications (CECA) at Peking University. He received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Pennsylvania State University in 2011. Dr. Sun received the 2012 EDAA outstanding dissertation award for his Ph.D. thesis titled “Exploring Memory Hierarchy Design with Emerging Memory Technologies”. His research interests include computer architecture, VLSI Design, and electronic design automation (EDA). He has published 40+ journals and refereed conference papers and one book in these areas. He is serving as PI on one NSFC young research grant and one industry grant supported by AMD and Co-PI on one National High Technology Research and Development Program ("863"Program). His research work on memory architecture/system for Big Data is also supported by Baidu. Dr. Sun is an active volunteer in the communities of computer architecture, VLSI, and design automation. He has been serving as a program committee member for many conferences in these areas, including DAC, DATE, ASP-DAC, GLSVLSI, VLSID, and NAS. He served as the local arrangement chair and in TPC for ISLPED 2013. He has also served as a peer reviewer and technical referee for several journals, which include IEEE Micro, IEEE TVLSI, IEEE TCAD, etc. Guangyu Sun is a member of CCF and IEEE.