日期: | 2021年3月18日 周四 |
时间: |
15:30–17:40 |
地点: | 上海浦东嘉里大酒店,上海厅 3 |
现场提供中英文同声传译 |
Agenda / 会议日程:(Tentative agenda and yet to be confirmed 详细日程有待确定) | ||||
15:30–17:35 | Design Innovation Forum - ESDA Session IC设计高峰论坛 | |||
15:30–15:35 |
Welcome remarks 欢迎致辞 Lung Chu President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI 居龙,SEMI全球副总裁、中国区总裁 |
15:35– 15:55
Allen Lee Corporate Vice President, GM of China R&D Center, AMD 李新荣,AMD全球副总裁、中国研发中心总经理 |
15:55– 16:15
Siemens EDA : Enable Design of Silicon to Systems 西门子EDA : 从芯片到系统设计的解决方案 Danny Perng PacRim Vice President, Siemens EDA 彭启煌,全球资深副总裁及亚太区总裁,西门子EDA |
16:15– 16:35
Lei MI, PhD Co-CEO of CASSTAR; XI’AN Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS; Executive Director of Shaanxi Institute of Advanced OEIC Technologies; 米磊,中科创星 创始合伙人;陕西光电子集成电路先导技术研究院 执行院长 |
16:35– 16:55
James Huang Vice President of R&D, Alchip Technologies 黄建棋,世芯电子设计研发副总裁 |
16:55– 17:15
Heterogeneous Integration Technology On Chip Enables IC Advancement in Post Moore Era 单芯片异构系统集成赋能后摩尔定律时代芯片发展 Feng Hong President /CEO,ICLEAGUE Technology Co.,Ltd 洪沨,芯盟科技有限公司 总裁/首席执行官 |
17:15– 17:35
Mark Ding CEO,SITRI 丁辉文,上海微技术工业研究院 总经理 |
17:35-17:40 |
Thank you 致谢结束 | ||||
【Introduction of Electronic System Design Alliance (ESDA)介绍】
In 2018, SEMI completed the integration of Electronic System Design Alliance (ESDA). Consisting of major EDA, IP, and fabless companies, ESDA acts as the central voice to communicate and promote the value of the semiconductor design industry as a vital component of the global electronics industry. The ESDA integration brings key capability and further enhances SEMI’s supply-chain coverage and SEMI’s vertical application platforms such as Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Data as well as key enabling technologies including AI, 5G, and Machine Learning.
2018年SEMI完成了对于ESDA的合并。多年以来,ESDA不遗余力推动半导体设计业的价值, 并成为促进全球电子产业进步至关重要的一关键技术。ESDA的加入使得SEMI如虎添翼,SEMI所覆盖的产业供应链,及SEMI致力推动的垂直应用平台以及核心技术都由此得以延展和加强,涵盖了智能交通、智能制造、智能数据、AI、5G以及机器学习等方方面面。