SIIP China: SEMI产业创新投资论坛
日期: | 2021年3月18日 周四 |
时间: | 09:00-17:40 |
地点: | 上海浦东嘉里大酒店,上海厅 3 |
现场提供中英文同声传译 |
【SIIP China — SEMI产业创新投资平台】是依托SEMI全球产业资源,汇聚全球产业资本和产业智慧而搭建的专业而权威的产业投融资交流平台。【SIIP China:SEMI产业创新投资论坛】是SIIP China旗下的品牌产业交流活动,于每年SEMICON China同期举办。论坛云集业界大咖,把握政策动态,诊脉产业现状,搭建资金平台,预测资金流向,展望行业未来。SIIP China系列活动还包括深度对接闭门会,专题项目讨论会,定期投资交流会以及国际交流访问团,旨在促进并推动市场与资本的对接。
钻石赞助: |
金牌赞助: |
银牌赞助: |
Agenda / 会议日程:(Tentative agenda and yet to be confirmed 详细日程有待确定) | |
09:00–09:30 | Registration 来宾登记 |
09:30–09:35 |
Welcome Remarks and Introduction of the Moderator 开幕致辞并介绍主持人 Lung Chu President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI 居龙,SEMI全球副总裁、中国区总裁 |
09:35–09:40 |
Moderator introduces Speakers 主持人介绍出席嘉宾 Liang Sheng BDA Administrative Commission Director 梁胜,北京经济技术开发区管委会主任 |
09:40–09:50 |
Keynote Remarks 贵宾致辞 Ding Wenwu President, China National IC Industry Investment Fund Chairman, China High-end Integrated Circuits Alliance 丁文武,国家集成电路产业投资基金总裁,中国高端芯片联盟理事长 |
Signing ceremony of MOU between SEMI China and Merck SIIP China 与Merck合作备忘录签约仪式 |
AM Speeches 嘉宾演讲 | |
09:50–10:10 |
Ye Tianchun Vice Director, China Semiconductor Industry Association 叶甜春,中国半导体行业协会副理事长 |
10:10–10:30 |
Shen Weiguo Secretary of the Party Committee\Executive Director\General Manager,Shanghai STVC Group President, Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund 沈伟国,上海科技创业投资(集团)有限公司党委书记,执行董事,总经理 ; 上海集成电路产业投资基金董事长 |
10:30–12:00 |
Panel Discussion 半导体供应链圆桌论坛 Topic: Semiconductor Supply Chain Management |
Moderator主持人: | |
Panelists: | |
Zhang Xin Senior VP, SMIC; General Manager, SMNC; President, North Integrated Circuit Technology Innovation Center 张昕,中芯国际资深副总裁,中芯北方总经理,北方集成电路技术创新中心董事长 |
Fan Weihong Vice President/President, Semiconductor Manufacturing Business Headquarters, Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 范伟宏,士兰微电子副董事长/半导体制造事业总部总裁 |
Zhao Jinrong Chairman of the Board/Chairman of the Executive Committee, NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd. 赵晋荣,北方华创科技集团股份有限公司董事会董事长、执行委员会主席 |
Zhang Guoming President, Hwatsing Technology Co., Ltd 张国铭,华海清科总经理 |
Lu Lingzhi Chairman & CEO, FA Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 吕凌志,上扬软件(上海)有限公司董事长兼首席执行官 |
David Wang President, ACM Research (Shanghai), Inc. 王晖,盛美半导体设备(上海)股份有限公司董事长 |
Yang Bing Jun ULVAC(SHANGHAI) TRADING CO.,LTD. CEO ULVAC RESEARCH CENTER SUZHOU CO., LTD. CEO 杨秉君,爱发科商贸(上海)有限公司 董事总经理 爱发科(苏州)技术研究开发有限公司 董事总经理 |
12:00–12:20 |
Future of China in Electronics is Positive but with Many Challenges Handel Jones CEO, International Business Strategies, Inc. 韩德尔•琼斯,International Business Strategies首席执行官 |
12:20–13:30 | Lunch break 午休 |
PM Sessions 下午日程 |
13:30–15:30 |
Panel Discussion 圆桌论坛 Topic: IC Investment (STAR Market) and International Cooperation 主题:集成电路投资(科创板)与国际合作 |
Moderator主持人: Zhuo Fumin Co-Chairman, Shanghai Private Equity Association 卓福民,上海市国际股权投资基金协会联席理事长 |
Panelists: | |
Lv Houjun President, GP Capital Co-Chairman, Shanghai Private Equity Association 吕厚军,金浦投资总裁,上海市国际股权投资基金协会联席理事长 |
Wang Xinchao Chairman and General Manager of Jiangsu Xinchao Technology Group Co., Ltd. 王新潮,江苏新潮科技集团有限公司董事长兼总经理 |
Daniel Yuan Co-President, Sino IC Leasing Co., Ltd President, UNIC Capital Management Co., Ltd 袁以沛,芯鑫融资租赁有限责任公司 轮值总裁, 中青芯鑫资产管理有限责任公司 总裁 |
Adam He Managing Director, CGP Techfund 何新宇,盛世投资董事总经理 |
Rick Chen Head of Semiconductor Solutions, Electronics business of Merck, China 陈天牛,默克中国电子科技业务半导体事业部总经理 |
Thank you 致谢结束 | |
【Introduction of Electronic System Design Alliance (ESDA)介绍】
In 2018, SEMI completed the integration of Electronic System Design Alliance (ESDA). Consisting of major EDA, IP, and fabless companies, ESDA acts as the central voice to communicate and promote the value of the semiconductor design industry as a vital component of the global electronics industry. The ESDA integration brings key capability and further enhances SEMI’s supply-chain coverage and SEMI’s vertical application platforms such as Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Data as well as key enabling technologies including AI, 5G, and Machine Learning.
2018年SEMI完成了对于ESDA的合并。多年以来,ESDA不遗余力推动半导体设计业的价值, 并成为促进全球电子产业进步至关重要的一关键技术。ESDA的加入使得SEMI如虎添翼,SEMI所覆盖的产业供应链,及SEMI致力推动的垂直应用平台以及核心技术都由此得以延展和加强,涵盖了智能交通、智能制造、智能数据、AI、5G以及机器学习等方方面面。