Zhiyi Xiao

Vice President, Tianshui Huatian Technology Co., Ltd.

肖智轶,复旦大学博士,现任华天集团副总裁,兼华天科技(昆山)电子有限公司董事及总经理、中国半导体行业协会副理事长。2020年荣获国家科技进步一等奖,2018年被认定为首批 “江苏省科技企业家”,2016年获评江苏省“双创团队”领军人才。

肖智轶博士在晶圆级先进封装大规模生产方面具有丰富的组织管理经验和前瞻的国际化视野,熟悉现代化企业管理,构建了一支国际一流的管理团队。公司指纹系统级封装产品成功用于华为终端手机品牌mate 9 Pro以及P10等系列;12吋晶圆级先进凸点技术实现16/14nm技术节点稳定规模化量产;率先通过车载可靠性产品标准(AEC-Q100)认证。目前,公司年封装能力突破100万片,测试能力突破40万片,成为国际首家同时具备Bumping、TSV技术大规模量产能力的先进封装制造基地,为我国晶圆级3D IC、2.5D以及前沿新工艺技术产业化奠定了坚实的基础,成为我国高端晶圆级封测量产的领跑者之一。

Speech Abstract:

Forge ahead and develop in a coordinated way

With the growth of the global economy, the scale of the global semiconductor market has gradually expanded. At the same time, the scale of the global and Chinese packaging market has continued to grow, and the dominant position of the packaging market in Chinese Mainland has become increasingly stronger. The scale of the advanced packaging market is rapidly catching up with the traditional packaging market. The growth of the advanced packaging market is mainly driven by the rapid growth of demand for vehicle and industrial sensors, 5G communications, AR/VR, high-performance computing, cloud computing and data centers. Advanced packaging has become an important way for the development of integrated circuit technology in the post Moore era, and the typical technology representative is chiplet. All major manufacturers have introduced their own representative advanced packaging technologies, and heterogeneous integration has gradually become the trend of advanced packaging development. This speech will guide the audience to comprehensively review the development strategy of achieving advanced packaging and large-scale heterogeneous integration in the post Moore era.