Prof. Qianqian Huang
Assistant Professor, Peking University, China

Qianqian Huang joined the Institute of Microelectronics at Peking University as an assistant professor in 2017. She received her B.Sc. and PhD. from Peking University in 2010 and 2015 respectively. Her research interests are in the area of advanced ultralow-power devices and key technologies.
Prof. Huang has authored/co-authored more than 60 technical papers in international journals and conferences, including 6 first-authored papers in the IEEE EDS flagship conferences, IEDM and VLSI. She has applied more than 70 domestic and overseas patents, including 12 authorized US patents and 40 authorized Chinese patents. She was awarded China's Future Women Scientists from the China Association for Science and Technology in 2017. She also obtained the Excellent Young Scientists Fund of NSFC in 2018.